For Nova’s second birthday we made it an ice cream and sprinkles theme. We also had her birthday exactly on the 2nd which is known as the Golden Birthday. She turned two on the second of April. We opted for a smaller birthday party as our sweet babygirl still gets quite a bit anxious around a large crowd and unfamiliar faces. We had family and a few friends over and even with that, it seemed like a full house. The first thirty minutes Nova clung on to mama and cried every time I passed her to someone else. But when she saw her friend Xaylianna, she immediately got comfortable and started to play and enjoy her party. I wanted Nova to have a few friends to celebrate with and her little friends that did join all had a blast. My Nova had a blast and we couldn’t have asked for a better way to celebrate.

As always, I used what I had on hand to put everything together. We had to go buy a poster board to make the cart umbrella but the colored paper we already had in our craft supply stash. Our friend gave us the sprinkle backdrop last year after initially wanting to use it for her daughter’s two year birthday but never got to hanging it up. I’m so thrilled we could put it to use and it went perfectly with the theme.

I made Nova’s cake myself! I made a coconut cake that uses real coconut cream and made my specialty cream cheese frosting. Whenever I buy store bought cake Nova tends to break out around her mouth from the frosting cause she’s still sensitive to diary. But she can eat my cream cheese frosting and she can absolutely eat the coconut cake! She can still do diary but it’s so iffy. For instance, she can eat oreo but it has to be the actual Oreo brand. When she eats any other brand she breaks out. Once she’s used to eating something, she can tolerate it. So we stick to what we know.
I used store bought cupcakes to make the ice cream coned cupcakes. Just take the liners off and stuff them (using a spoon to push the edges in without messing up the frosting) into the cones.

Even before Nova turned two, she was already super characteristic of terrible twos lol. She is such a sweetheart but when she doesn’t get her way, she is loud and persistent. She cries and has her fits. It has to be the last child thing lol. But even with the tantrums and demands, she is the cutest in our eyes and will forever be the apple of our eye.