For our 2023 Fall camping trip we went to Sadlers Creek State Park in South Carolina. Why SC? Well, for one, I failed to book us a trip in GA in time and even writing this post in April 2024 I can tell you that there are no available sites (at least waterfront sites) in any state park in Georgia. People book the good camp sites months in advance. South Carolina has plenty of beautiful state parks so it was pretty cool exploring our neighboring state.

The kids really love camping, and when I say love, they pretend they are camping a lot when they are having independent play at home. Camp season is of course, in the Fall so to enjoy the chill Autumn weather we booked a last minute camp trip. Our nephews joined us this time around and they had a blast. What we loved the most about Sadlers Creek was the short walk to the lake and the close proximity to the bathrooms. Having toddlers is important for us to be close to the bathhouse. Although we didn’t get a waterfront view, which we could have, I picked a spot that was a little more secluded over having neighbors. The second night we got to view the stars and it was quite the sight. The night sky was clear and brightly shimmering with the twinkle of the illuminating stars. It was one of my favorite moments during our camp trip.

We would totally camp here again and this time pick out a waterfront site. Online, the sites seem very close together but once we arrived we saw a couple sites that had a bit more space and made note of it. We’re still learning a lot about pop up trailer camping with toddlers and while the set up time has gotten down to roughly 20-25 minutes we’ve manage to get it done without breaking anything! One of the things we learned by our 3rd trip was that we were still taking way too much stuff camping. Like pots. I want to have enough pots and pans but it turns out we only use 1 small pot and 1 large one. We hardly ever use the pan. We use our toaster oven for reheating our food and for cooking too. We always bring too much food! I mean, that isn’t a bad thing, I guess, but we end up going home with more snacks than what we started with.
We camped at site 14 which gave us a mostly wooden view and the short walk to the lake. The lake was beautiful and the most glorious during sunrise and sunset. During sunset we took a stroll and the kids loved finding different shape rocks and throwing them into the water. It’s the simple things like skipping rocks in the water to watch the ripple effects that allow kids to be kids and to explore nature. We did fall things like sit around the camp fire, roast marshmallows and told campfire stories. The bathrooms at Sadlers Creek were cleaned and well maintained and the folks were also friendly.
Our most important trip from last year was the beach trip which we took our camper to St. Augustine and it was such a fun trip but I didn’t take photos with my big camera. It was a very hot hot day and after setting up we went straight to the beach. I consider it a successful and pretty awesome trip if I didn’t even have time to take photos lol. We have been on four trips as of today and we’re planning our end of the school semester beach trip coming up this May. We are so excited because we’re re-doing our beach trip from February. February was a rough month for so many people including us, with sickness hitting us each one by one, one after another. So when we got around to our much anticipated winter beach trip, we were not 100% ourselves and it also rained our entire trip! So yes, we are very much looking forward to this summer trip as it kickstarts our summer season.